Page name: Temple Of Life [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-10-11 02:47:45
Last author: Shatureel
Owner: Shatureel
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Goddess Of Life

Temple Of Life



Name: Shatureel
Nick Names: Goddess of Life
Sex: Unknown
Age: Ageless
Ability: Power to Create Life.
Dislikes: People who judge others for any reason.
Weapon of choice: Staff of Life
Powers: 1) Shapeshifter, 2) Psychokinesis - : movement of physical objects by the mind without use of physical means. 3) Telekinesis : the production of motion in objects (as by a spiritualistic medium) without contact or other physical means 
Animal symbol: White Leapord and White Wolf

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2006-01-14 [DRACE]: *tries to land on a wall, but loses grip and slides down behind a couch...* o.o

2006-01-14 [Venom Boy]: Good.

2006-01-15 [DRACE]: sorry if I have annoied any of u lately, its about that time of year I feel I must simply say I am sorry... goodbye

2006-01-16 [Shatureel]: Be nice to [DRACE], [Venom Boy], he is a good person and has a kind soul, when he allows others to see it.

2006-01-16 [Sweet Disaster]: I DID IT! I BROKE UP WITH HIM!

2006-01-16 [Shatureel]: And how did he take it

2006-01-16 [Sweet Disaster]: Not good but I now have [Damion Wolf] as my love.

2006-01-16 [Shatureel]: Oh so you have moved on.

2006-01-16 [Sweet Disaster]: Yes.

2006-01-16 [Sweet Disaster]: But I still have DEEP feelings for kevin. i mean he has my heart and soul.

2006-01-16 [Shatureel]: Sometimes we can't be with those that we truly love, but we never forget them.

2006-01-16 [RIFT KEEPER]: within lays the power to destroy what we love most...

2006-01-16 [DRACE]: *plays with his nuts.... then hits them with a hammer*

2006-01-17 [erowen]: why would you do something like that

2006-01-18 [Shatureel]: Cause he likes attention.

2006-01-18 [RIFT KEEPER]: heh

2006-01-18 [DRACE]: *grins and nods to [Shatureel]* heh, u know it - lol

2006-01-18 [Shatureel]: Yep i sure do. *Grins back*

2006-01-18 [erowen]: crazy

2006-01-19 [DRACE]: *rocks back and forth on his hand legs, the charges towards [Shatureel] and tackles her*

2006-01-19 [erowen]: hey easy now, dont hurt her

2006-01-20 [Shatureel]: *laughs* Now [DRACE] be nice.

2006-01-20 [DRACE]: I wouldn't hurt her, *cuddles [Shatureel]*

2006-01-20 [Shatureel]: *hugs {DRACE]* See all he wants is a hug.

2006-01-20 [DRACE]: *grins big*

2006-01-20 [erowen]: how come no one asks for a hug from me?

2006-01-21 [Shatureel]: Oh so sorry sweety. *pulls [erowen] into arms and squeezes softly* There now, you have been offically hugged.

2006-01-21 [DRACE]: *laughs*

2006-01-22 [Venom Boy]: *Comes in and leans against the wall with her hands partly in her pockets*

2006-01-22 [Shatureel]: Hello [Venom Boy] Have you come to join us.

2006-01-22 [DRACE]: *smells something burning*

2006-01-23 [erowen]: aww thank you so much

2006-01-25 [DRACE]: *looks back at his tail and sees its on fire* O.O *runs and dives but first into the lake and skims across the surface and hits the rocks on other side hard* x_x

2006-01-25 [erowen]: oh [DRACE] are you ok *pics him up*

2006-01-26 [DRACE]: mmm... just alittle dazed... anyways, ummm... *curls up into a ball and disappears from site*

2006-01-26 [erowen]: sorry i lost him

2006-01-26 [Shatureel]: Don't worry he will be back. *laughs* he always comes back.

2006-01-26 [erowen]: ok thats good

2006-01-26 [Shatureel]: Yea, it is, [DRACE] loves us.

2006-01-26 [erowen]: thats really good

2006-01-27 [DRACE]: *reforms on [erowen]'s eft shoulder in his chibby blue winged wolf form*... heh, u know me to well [Shatureel] *grins*

2006-01-27 [Shatureel]: *grins back and blows [DRACE] in his chibby blue winged wolf form a kiss.*

2006-01-27 [DRACE]: hehe, *pretends to catch the kiss and holds it to his heart, then tries to jump up on [erowen]'s head*

2006-01-27 [erowen]: *dodges out of the way* hey dont mess up the hair

2006-01-27 [DRACE]: *falls on his tail on the ground and starts yelping...* u made me brake my tail *hides in the forest*

2006-01-27 [erowen]: [DRACE] im really sorry *goes looking for him*

2006-01-28 [Shatureel]: *follows [erowen], just to make sure [Lady Miss Prime & Proper] does not get lost.

2006-01-28 [RIFT KEEPER]: *sees [DRACE] and strikes him down with his staff, then flees the seen through the shadows of the forest*

2006-01-28 [DRACE]: x_x

2006-01-29 [RIFT KEEPER]: if [DRACE] falls in the forest and there is no one around, does he make a sound...

2006-01-29 [Shatureel]: Sure he does, the sound of falling down as the leafs russle when he hits the ground.

2006-01-29 [Venom Boy]: Interesting.

2006-01-30 [honey bunny]: and the one of him screaming when he arse hits the pinecones hidden there

2006-01-30 [Venom Boy]: *Laughs*

2006-01-30 [RIFT KEEPER]: well there is always that part, ha thank the lord for the pinecones, ha... *throws a pinecone up and hits it with his staff towards [Shatureel], then darts off into the woods*

2006-01-30 [DRACE]: *scampers up a wall and across the celling, then drops down the light fixture, and swings back and forth...*

2006-01-30 [Shatureel]: *Catches the pinecone and laughs watching [RIFT KEEPER] scamper into the woods.* Boys,

2006-01-30 [DRACE]: *gets up, looks around and mutters to himself some realy mean words*

2006-01-30 [erowen]: *embraces [DRACE]* its going to be ok

2006-01-31 [Shatureel]: *Laughs* he just needs to blow of steam.

2006-01-31 [DRACE]: *turns to [Shatureel] grinning naughtily and says, 'how about u 'BLOW' it for me*

2006-01-31 [erowen]: ok thats just wrong

2006-02-01 [RIFT KEEPER]: whats wrong [erowen], its nature at its best, to bad its not me asking you [erowen] *wink, wink*

2006-02-01 [honey bunny]: so very true

2006-02-01 [Shatureel]: *Looks at [DRACE] and laughs.* In your dreams boy, only in your dreams will I blow.

2006-02-01 [DRACE]: how did u know about my dreams... o.O *gets a creepy feeling and a cold shiver over his neck and back*

2006-02-01 [erowen]: yeah i dare you to ask me something like that

2006-02-02 [RIFT KEEPER]: okay, [erowen] would you get on your knees and suck my cock, I will pay you back you know, licky licky

2006-02-02 [erowen]: ha ha very funny, maybe if we are alone

2006-02-02 [DRACE]: O.O hey thats unfair, how come he gets a go with u and I am left with the creepy mindreader [Shatureel]

2006-02-02 [DRACE]: I am just tipsy....

2006-02-02 [erowen]: hes not getting a go with me

2006-02-02 [DRACE]: kk...

2006-02-02 [erowen]: dont worry, im not like that, have to wait for [Shatureel] to tell me when i can love

2006-02-02 [DRACE]: drat, oh well

2006-02-02 [erowen]: sorry, maybe things will work out

2006-02-03 [DRACE]: maybe... and maybe not, but eh oh wells

2006-02-03 [RIFT KEEPER]: well thats a real shame [erowen] we could have had some real fun together

2006-02-03 [erowen]: lol yeah?

2006-02-03 [RIFT KEEPER]: hell yeah, but as you say, you can not without [Shatureel]'s permission, oh well, still, there is plenty of Riff to go 'round

2006-02-03 [erowen]: well you can always talk to [Shatureel] if you want me that bad

2006-02-03 [Venom Boy]: No there isnt enough Riff to go around. *Eyes red and arms crossed, she turns and storms out of the room, pissed off beyond knowledge*

2006-02-04 [RIFT KEEPER]: and the shits' hit the fan

2006-02-04 [Venom Boy]: *Continues walking*

2006-02-04 [+Shadow+]: Yeah.....The shits hit the fan BIG time.

2006-02-04 [RIFT KEEPER]: *wonders if he should walk after her, but doesn't*

2006-02-04 [+Shadow+]: RIFF! Dude! Go after her. Talk to her. Explain things to her. She is labing you as just another guy. Our Aunt just died so she really needs someone.

2006-02-04 [RIFT KEEPER]: shite, okay okay, *goes after Kirstie* I am sorry about the aunt dying

2006-02-04 [Venom Boy]: *Stops*

2006-02-04 [RIFT KEEPER]: *slows down and stops, stands to Kirstie's left side, tries to hold her hand*

2006-02-04 [Venom Boy]: *Slowly goes to take his hand, and does*

2006-02-04 [RIFT KEEPER]: *sighs, holds her hand losely and stands before her, he tilts her head up and looks into her eyes*

2006-02-04 [Venom Boy]: *Her eyes red from tears now. She looks him back in the eyes*

2006-02-04 [RIFT KEEPER]: *sighs, takes a cloth from his pocket and wipes away her tears*

2006-02-04 [Venom Boy]: *Closes her eyes and sighs as well*

2006-02-04 [RIFT KEEPER]: *puts the cloth away, holds out his arms*

2006-02-04 [Venom Boy]: *Looks at him and walks toward him*

2006-02-04 [RIFT KEEPER]: *hopes he can walk away from this, with everything intact... *

2006-02-04 [Venom Boy]: *Hugs him*

2006-02-04 [RIFT KEEPER]: *smiles, wraps his arms around Kirstie and holds her close to him*

2006-02-04 [Venom Boy]: *Slightly smiles and sighs*

2006-02-04 [RIFT KEEPER]: *strokes your face softly and kisses your forehead*

2006-02-04 [Venom Boy]: *Sniffles*

2006-02-04 [RIFT KEEPER]: *wraps his cloak around Kirstie, picks her up and carries her outside, so they can talk*

2006-02-04 [Venom Boy]: *Slightly laughs*

2006-02-04 [RIFT KEEPER]: *sits down in a rocking chair, with you still in his arms*

2006-02-04 [Venom Boy]: *Smiles* Well Santy

2006-02-04 [RIFT KEEPER]: heh, very funny *holds you hand softly and smiles*

2006-02-04 [Venom Boy]: *Giggles* Aint it though?

2006-02-04 [RIFT KEEPER]: *smiles*

2006-02-04 [DRACE]: bubbles.... go pop ;_;

2006-02-04 [+Shadow+]: Drace your an odd one. *Smiles over at Riff and Kirstie*

2006-02-05 [DRACE]: I get weirder by the year...

2006-02-05 [+Shadow+]: *Smiles* I believe ya. Im Lezlie by the way.

2006-02-05 [DRACE]: hmmm, so much for black rose then huh ^_~ hehe

2006-02-05 [+Shadow+]: *Laughs* Yeah......I only do that when I am feeling mysterious.

2006-02-05 [DRACE]: heh kk

2006-02-05 [+Shadow+]: Yeah.

2006-02-05 [DRACE]: hmmm... okay u may be weirder then me, in which case I subjest u seek medical help right away

2006-02-05 [+Shadow+]: lol

2006-02-05 [DRACE]: *calls the guys with the funny white coat and the padded rooms*

2006-02-05 [+Shadow+]: *Runs from them* NO!!! I WILL NOT GO BACK!

2006-02-05 [DRACE]: o.o

2006-02-05 [+Shadow+]: lol

2006-02-05 [RIFT KEEPER]: Dracey leave the poor girl alone

2006-02-05 [+Shadow+]: Hi Riff.

2006-02-05 [Shatureel]: Hello everyone, I see that life has gone on in my absence. *Turns to [Venom Boy] and [+Shadow+]. I am saddened by your lost. *turns to Lady [erowen]* My dear, in my Kingdom you may love whom your heart wishes. You do not have to wait to my approval to love, for Love is something that no one can control, not even The Gods. 

2006-02-05 [DRACE]: o.o drat, we can't control it, *puts his love poshion set away* and not dracey >.<

2006-02-05 [+Shadow+]: *Looks at Drace and raises an eyebrow*

2006-02-05 [RIFT KEEPER]: damn kid, you realy needto get some natural light on you, your starting to believe in magic again

2006-02-05 [+Shadow+]: Hiya Riff and I believe in magic!

2006-02-05 [Venom Boy]: Oh dear god. *Covers her face* That is NOT my sister!

2006-02-05 [+Shadow+]: *Giggles insanly*

2006-02-05 [Shatureel]: I believe in magic. *looks from [+Shadow+] to [RIFT KEEPER]* You two have been coming here very often, yet you have not become members of my Kingdom, Why is that? 

2006-02-06 [erowen]: so in accordance with that *looks at [RIFT KEEPER] and smiles*

2006-02-07 [RIFT KEEPER]: I'm sorry [erowen] I can not play at this time, best of asking [Venom Boy] of what I can do... *nods*

2006-02-07 [DRACE]: *scampers up a wall and across the celling, then drops down the light fixture, swings back and forth by use of his tail...*

2006-02-08 [RIFT KEEPER]: ...

2006-02-08 [erowen]: ok well its up to you

2006-02-09 [RIFT KEEPER]: no, its not up to me, I am male, so everything I do and say is always going to be wrong

2006-02-09 [erowen]: no its not, but maybe in the future?

2006-02-10 [RIFT KEEPER]: heh, well I'm not realy the marrying type, I'm more the 'be alone for the rest of my life' type...

2006-02-10 [DRACE]: *dives off the light fixture and into a giant pillow pile, curls upp and goes to sleep*

2006-02-11 [RIFT KEEPER]: just think of me as a friend or a hugger...

2006-02-11 [DRACE]: *wakes up and slivers around in the giant pillow pile*

2006-02-12 [RIFT KEEPER]: or an idiot...

2006-02-12 [DRACE]: that I will agree with Riff, u r an idiot - lol :p

2006-02-12 [RIFT KEEPER]: And Damn Happy about It To

2006-02-12 [DRACE]: everybody in the wiki getting TipSY............. well I know I am ^___^

2006-02-12 [+Shadow+]: Really? *Smiles evily*

2006-02-13 [DRACE]: o_O

2006-02-13 [DRACE]: <<<<< ish worried now

2006-02-14 [Shatureel]: [RIFT KEEPER] and [+Shadow+] I will ask you once more, do you plan on becoming members of my house.

2006-02-15 [Shatureel]: I have had enough bullshit in this wiki, [RIFT KEEPER] I deleted your last comment because there was no need for it. I don't give a crap whether you join or not. If you make anymore comments that I do not like, I will delete them.

2006-02-15 [DRACE]: o.o wow, he musta pissed u off, eh oh wells, he will be on later to, I have things todo again tonight and he is staying of watching the house and my he will be on my computer, so I say sorry if he is a prick here [Shatureel] I will have a word to him before I leave my place

2006-02-15 [RIFT KEEPER]: I am sorry

2006-02-16 [erowen]: wow tension in the home, not cool, very not cool

2006-02-17 [RIFT KEEPER]: yer well shit happens, so do accidents - no comment

2006-02-17 [erowen]: ok

2006-02-19 [DRACE]: watch as the blood turns stail, the inner life force changes from light to dark, good to bad, you have lost the power, you no longer in control, you are but one of many, you are mine, as I am yours... death and rebirth, begins with a single tear, from that of an unspoiled women... - by Neil R. Siliwontschik, a.k.a. me

2006-02-19 [Shatureel]: When shit happens in my house, I clean it up [RIFT KEEPER] as long as you mind your manner's we will get on just fine, and I only do this cause you are [DRACE] friend.

2006-02-19 [RIFT KEEPER]: thankyou

2006-02-20 [DRACE]: thanks Shatureel

2006-02-20 [erowen]: awww i like how we all get along

2006-02-21 [Amack]: hey, this looks like a nice place

2006-02-21 [DRACE]: well it depends what sort of a mood one is in [Amack] ~_~

2006-02-21 [DRACE]: I'm in such a mood thats bad for my health -.-

2006-02-21 [Shatureel]: This is a nice place [Amack], don't listen to [DRACE] he is always in a mood.

2006-02-21 [DRACE]: u know what u can do [Shatureel], eh, maybe I better not say it... welcome [Amack] to this wiki

2006-02-21 [Shatureel]: *looks over at [DRACE] and grins* You wish boy.

2006-02-21 [Amack]: thanks, i'm sure i'll enjoy myself here

2006-02-22 [Shatureel]: Yes you will.

2006-02-22 [DRACE]: heh, yer I do wish it and much much MUCH more *whimpers* ~_~

2006-02-22 [erowen]: its going to be ok [DRACE]

2006-02-22 [Shatureel]: *walks over to [DRACE] and hugs him* Yes it is going to be okay [DRACE], don't cry.

2006-02-22 [Amack]: aw, now that's a Kodak moment right there

2006-02-23 [DRACE]: *throws a tuna at [Amack]* I wasn't crying, was whimpering... -.-

2006-02-23 [erowen]: [DRACE] im sure no harm was ment

2006-02-24 [Shatureel]: *keeps hugging [DRACE]* Of course its a kodak moment. *smiles sweetly for the camara*

2006-02-26 [Amack]: AHH! TUNA! GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME!

2006-02-27 [DRACE]: *sighs, backs away from [Shatureel] and walks outside...*

2006-02-27 [erowen]: whats your deal with tuna

2006-02-27 [Amack]: i don't like tuna thrwn at me, sorry

2006-02-28 [DRACE]: *shrugs, keeps walking...*

2006-02-28 [erowen]: [DRACE] stop, dont you walk away from me

2006-02-28 [Amack]: sorry about the mess, i'll leave you guys alone

2006-03-01 [Shatureel]: *watches [DRACE] leave* You don't have to go [Amack], I don't think there is anything wrong in what you said.

2006-03-01 [DRACE]: there isn't, I'm just not in the best of hugging moods ~_~

2006-03-01 [DRACE]: *looks at [erowen], walks over to her, grabs her hand and puts it down his pants before she can do anything... says, 'I stopped, aren't u glad'... he looks down then back up and says in a strong voice, 'I'm happy, can't u tell'* ^_~ lol

2006-03-01 [erowen]: *yanks hand away from [DRACE]* your sick

2006-03-01 [Amack]: well............ that was random........

2006-03-02 [DRACE]: how am I sick [erowen] usaly people laugh when I type something lik ethta or I get the 'ewww' thingy, but I have never been called sick, y did u call me sick? o.O

2006-03-02 [erowen]: lol it just is, but i love ya anyway

2006-03-02 [DRACE]: no u don't, u don't love me, no one should love me or if they say they do they r just lying anyways ;_;

2006-03-02 [erowen]: no but i really do

2006-03-03 [DRACE]: mmm *whimpers...*

2006-03-03 [Shatureel]: Well I can't force you to hug me, so I guess no kodak moment. :(

2006-03-03 [RIFT KEEPER]: *walks into the temple, looks around a everyone, walks over to [erowen] and kisses her on the lips, then walks back out of the temple

2006-03-03 [erowen]: wow *blushes*

2006-03-03 [RIFT KEEPER]: well one has to make an enterance now and again, but I just wanted to do something i wouldn't do before and you tickled my fancy *walks back into the temple and kisses [erowen] again*

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